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Why Tech Is More Important Than You Think

By: Jesca KhembroWard


Life without technology is pointless, at least in today’s world. Everything we do revolves around some type of tech. Whether we are calling a loved one or going to the corner store, technology has been embedded in our everyday lives to where we barely notice how heavily we use it. No matter how you feel about the use of technology, each day we become more dependent on it.


Personally, I am a network engineer so my perspective on technology is a little more intricate than the average person however I embrace technology. I enjoy being able to use the latest tech to make online purchases or to do a simple task like text my mom a quick question such as “What time was I born?”. While some are reluctant to embrace new technology, you can’t deny the use and need for it in almost every corner of our daily lives. From using a cell phone to even checking out groceries at the store, technology is here to make our lives easier.


Outside of using tech for personal use, businesses will find technology much more useful. From administrative tasks to communicating with customers, it’s a no brainer to implement the latest technology trends. Most small businesses are not even aware of how technology can make or break their success. I’d say to every business owner, please make sure you have a dedicated IT person or team.


Business or personal, the use of technology is inevitable. As a network engineer by trade, I encourage everyone to embrace technology but with caution. Learn about the latest tech, be in the know. You either will use it to advance your way of life or learn how to protect yourself from the misuse of it.

If you want to learn more about technology, we have courses at Teknikally Speaking that will give you the confidence to incorporate the latest tech. We also have a section called TFB (Tech For Businesses). Regardless of your use, we will help you increase your income through tech.

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